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Information Retrieval system specialised for incomplete COMIT voice data.

COMINT.Retrieval Examples


information services, popular culture, and the librarian' promoting a contemporary learning perspective. contribution to an issue devoted to popular culture and libraries. examines the role of both the public and academic librarian as sources of comprehensive information service to all patrons, contending that effective service must be guided by 2 key principles' (1) the general educational pursuits of contemporary people are inner-directed and deserve access to an unrestricted store of information; and (2) libraries must provide the broadest possible spectrum of materials so that the public will perceive the library as a reasonable, reliable source of information and knowledge for all types of information needs.

Windows Speech API



By information service is popular culture been the librarian promoting a contemporary learning prospective by contribution to Ben issue devoted to popular culture in libraries big Zemin's they parole of both the public and academic library and as sources outcomprehensive information service to all patrons been tending better affective service must be guided by to keep principles by won by general educational pursuits of contemporary people are been a directed Indies' or have access to an unrestricted story outby information bend but you by libraries must provide the brightest possible spectrum of material so that the public will perceive by library as a reasonable Brill eyeball source of information end by knowledge for all types of information needs

Factor 1

Text with synonyms

had information service is popular gift by toting a contemporary learning crisper free fda fda in libraries to free fd enacted if comprehensive efficiency or does difference at but intendingthefts must fdba and by fd of contemporary people are different is er have access to if had information if to belied fda brightest best will spectrum of material so that for public will perceive by west brill i ibf june endby knowledge for alford firm asian needs to have data military_service be democratic endowment aside lug angstrom contemporaneous eruditeness crisp rid Food_and_Drug_Administration Food_and_Drug_Administration inch library rid ordain comprehensive_examination Oregon Department_of_Energy deviation astatine merely mustiness aside contemporaneous citizenry be unlike be erbium rich_person entree have data contradict Food_and_Drug_Administration bright Best volition fabric sol populace volition aside West iodine June cognition tauten Asian need

Factor 0.5

Text with synonyms

the three ger in the librarian to frightening brit death contribution to both the issue devoted to popular culture in length to for theft added a for sauces are from brilliance of information service threedeaf to keep principles one tough enough in a direct sister have access to a ninth information to end two likes left if possible spectre for proceed to start library as a reasonableleft pathology for theft drift trey inch terrorization Britisher Death topic give democratic acculturation inch duration larceny add angstrom sauce be glare data military_service support principle matchless street_fighter adequate inch angstrom target Sister rich_person entree angstrom one-ninth data goal deuce like left_field potential apparition continue beginning arsenic angstrom larceny float

Factor 0.1

Text with synonyms

by information's if culture in the library first birth for contemporary learning if contra fd if ben issued if offered to popular call freeze had examines they had if pub free and is sources of defamation diff turf for this mythi had to keep principles best by geoff emperor he people are for direct if richter had store out been first bend diff for honest pasa frontier real so that the public was steve diff drifts of information if all tied fornation if aside acculturation inch beginning parturition contemporaneous eruditeness Contra publish offer democratic Call have analyze have public_house rid be beginning aspersion have support principle Best aside emperor_butterfly helium citizenry be target have shop come_out_of_the_closet be beginning bending dependable real_number sol populace Washington drift data wholly tie

Google Cloud Speech API


Factor 1

Text with synonyms

information services popular culture contemporary learning for an issue devoted to pop examines the role of both conservice 12 patrons attending that effective service the general educational purposes of contemporary people are entered its store of information and to provide fairy as a nation and knowledge for all types of data service democratic acculturation contemporaneous eruditeness Associate_in_Nursing topic give dad analyze function twelve patron attention military_service cosmopolitan purpose contemporaneous citizenry be enter information_technology shop data supply fagot arsenic angstrom state cognition wholly type

Factor 0.5

Factor 0.1